3: The Giorgio Letters Book


Donated by Ian Kendall. The Giorgio Letters

With the publisher’s permission, Ian Kendall collated all the Giorgio Letters articles from Genii Magazine and printed 12 bound books, all as gifts for friends. The agreement was that they would be gifts and not to be sold.

From Ian:

A couple of years ago I had a personal project to compile all of Tony Giorgio's Letters from Genii magazine into one volume. I printed only twelve copies, and eleven of them have been given to friends. This is the final copy, and there will never be a number thirteen. This is, quite literally, the only opportunity to own this book.

As a bonus; in 2011 I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon sessioning with Tony. We spent some time working on the Three Card Monte, and afterwards Tony signed the cards he had used for the demonstration. I am including one of these cards as a bookmark.

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2: Tannen’s Magic Mystery Box


4: Steve Forte’s Casino Game Protection